by Kip Hansen, Aug 25, 2022 in WUWT
Bottom Lines:
1. To support a claim that the Earth’s Climate System is “getting hotter” one has to have a long-term time series of measurements of heat in the climate system.
2. Current Global Mean Temperature data sets do not measure heat and thus can not supply evidence for #1.
3. The lack of such a time-series doesn’t mean that the Earth’s climate isn’t gaining energy (heat) – it simply means we don’t have any reliable measure of it.
4. Climate Science may have some evidence of long-term energy gain or what is commonly labelled “Earth’s Energy Budget” — energy in/energy out — but it doesn’t seem to be dominate in the ongoing climate controversy. The latest paper shows that we can still cannot directly measure instantaneous radiative forcing. “This fundamental metric has not been directly observed globally and previous estimates have come from models. In part, this is because current space-based instruments cannot distinguish the instantaneous radiative forcing from the climate’s radiative response.” It is possible that future satellite missions will be able to measure directly and accurately Earth’s incoming and outgoing energy.