New Studies Suggest Sea Levels Were 2-5 Meters Higher Than Today ~6000 Years Ago

by K. Richard, Oct 13, 2022 in NoTricksZone

From about 5000 to 7000 years ago, when Earth was several degrees warmer than it is today, there was more water locked up on land as ice. Consequently, relative sea levels were much higher and land areas now well above sea level were submerged beneath the sea.

None of these paleo indicators suggest warmth, ice melt, or relative sea level are consistent with claims CO2 is a climate driver.

1. Hapsari et al., 2022

2. Angulo et al., 2022

3. Watanabe Nara et al., 2022

4. Angulo et al., 2022

5. Angulo et al., 2022