Science team points out a new failure of climate models

by A. Watts, April 6, 2020 in WUWT

From Nature Climate Change:

Ill-sooted models by Baird Langenbrunner

Atmospheric black carbon (BC) or soot — formed by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuel and biomass — causes warming by absorbing sunlight and enhancing the direct radiative forcing of the climate. As BC ages, it is coated with material due to gas condensation and collisions with other particles. These processes lead to variation in the composition of BC-containing particles and in the arrangement of their internal components — a mixture of BC and other material — though global climate models do not fully account for these heterogeneities. Instead, BC-containing particles are typically modelled as uniformly coated spheres with identical aerosol composition, and these simplifications lead to overestimated absorption.

Full article here

Here, the PNAS paper

Carbon soot in from industrial process in the air. Licensed from