by Kirye and P. Gosselin, April 10, 2020 in NoTricksZone
So what’s going on?
NASA and other government agencies keep telling us that the globe is warming and ice becoming more rare, yet when look out the window, things often appear to be going the opposite direction.
Rare cold, snow grip Greece
For example, the Greek Reporter here informed how a “rare spring snow” blanketed large parts of northern Greece. It reported: “Of course, Northern Greece is used to low temperatures and snow, but even for their standards, such an intense snowfall in April is rare.”
Moreover, the widely read Electroverse weather site here reported how southeast Europe had seen its “coldest April morning in a decade”, potentially causing widespread crop damage.
So why are such events happening when they aren’t supposed to be?
Altering: from cooling to warming
Today we look at the NASA data from two stations in Greece: Makedonia and Larissa, shown below:

by Toi Staff, November 24, 2018 in TheTimes.of.Israel
Greece, Italy, and Cyprus have reached an agreement with Israel to lay a pipeline connecting the Jewish state’s gas reserves to the three countries, in a major project estimated at costing over $7 billion that will supply gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe, as the continent seeks to diversify its energy supply.
According to Hadashot TV, the European Union agreed to invest $100 million in a feasibility study for the project before the agreement was reached over the laying of the longest and deepest underwater gas pipeline in the world.

by G.E. Kyriakodis and M. Santamouris, June 2018, in UrbanClimate
Large scale implementation of cool asphaltic and concrete photocatalytic pavements
Extensive monitoring strategy of in situ measurements in the area
Surface temperatures reduction up to 7.5 °C and 6.1 °C respectively in the summer period, while the peak drop was up to 11.5 °C
The maximum air temperature reduction could reach 1.5 °C.
Ageing phenomena may reduce substantially and up to 50% the mitigation potential of cool asphaltic materials.
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