by P. Homewood, Nov 22, 2024 in ClimateChangeDispatch
In August, the BBC published a news item about a Canadian worker killed by two polar bears. [emphasis, links added]
The article claimed: ‘There are about 17,000 polar bears living in the country – making up around two-thirds of the global population of the species, according to the Canadian government.
‘The species is in decline, and scientists attribute it to the loss of sea ice caused by global warming – leading to shrinking of their hunting and breeding grounds.’
No doubt in BBC World, they actually believe that polar bears are dying out. It is, after all, an article of faith for the global warming cult.
However, far from declining, the world’s population of polar bears has tripled since the 1960s, thanks to the ban on hunting in 1973.

The BBC has now formally upheld the complaint I submitted at the time, and has posted this on their Complaints Page: