Shellenberger: Why Everything They’ve Said About The Environment Is Wrong

by M. Schellenberger, Nov 1, 2023 in ClimateChangeDispatch

By now, almost everyone knows the conventional wisdom: climate change is an existential threat to human civilization.

Fires, floods, and hurricanes are worsening; the coral on the Great Barrier Reef is dying; we’re in a Sixth Mass Extinction; the only way to turn things around is with inexpensive renewables, and no longer eating meat; and we don’t need nuclear energy, which is too dangerous. [emphasis, links added]

It’s a powerful story, one that has motivated millions of people to march in the streets and governments to spend $1 trillion annually on green energy.

There’s only one problem with it: practically everything you’ve heard about climate change is wrong.Here’s a set of facts you won’t read in The New York Times: