Ahead Of COP28, Climate Policies Are Collapsing Around The World

by  T. Corcoran, Nov 3, 2023 in ClimateChangeDispatch

On the United Nations’ official website for this month’s COP28 climate conference in Dubai [pictured], about four hours by plane from Gaza, the countdown is underway.

At about the time this column was published, the official UN wait time for the opening of COP28 would have been 28 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes, and 12 seconds. That’s not much time to overcome the current collapsing state of climate policy around the world. [emphasis, links added]

The reasons for policy turmoil are at once global, national, and local across a range of developments and complications. They include the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, national policy meltdowns over carbon taxes, and major issues related to technology, science, and economics.

On Monday in Dubai, the head of the COP28 event — United Arab Emirates Industry Minister Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber — called for international cooperation and compromise in the face of growing political and economic divisions over the UN plan to phase out the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas.

Al Jaber’s concerns were echoed with stronger language of doubt from the European Union’s Climate Action Commissioner. Wopke Hoekstra said the only real item on the COP28 agenda is to reach a consensus on phasing out fossil fuels.

Given the “geopolitically very troubling times,” it has never been harder to reach an agreement, he said.

Any review of developments over the past weeks points to a declining national and international climate policy environment that could lead to some kind of breakup.

Such a prediction could be wrong, of course, but consider the following evidence from all over.

Study Suggests Causes of Climate Change Beyond CO2

by  H.S. Burnett, Nov 4, 2023 in WUWT


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Research recently published in the journal Atmosphere concludes that carbon dioxide is only one possible forcing factor driving recent climate changes, and probably not the dominant one.

Reviewing the literature since World War II, the author, Stuart Harris, Ph.D., a professor emeritus of geography with the University of Calgary, finds multiple other explanations have been offered in various studies at various times for recent climate changes, beyond today’s current bete noire, carbon dioxide.