Archives par mot-clé : Book

It’s Here: Morano’s New book: ‘Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think

by M.  Steyn, March 23, 2021 in ClimateDepot

Morano’s probably single-handedly, in a civilian sense, the guy (other than me, of course) doing a better job of ringing the bells alarming people of what’s going on here.” Rush Limbaugh

“This is a must-read book that shows how the Green New Deal is dangerous, impractical, misguided, and guaranteed to fail with disastrous results for the American people.”  —Sean Hannity, host of Hannity on Fox News

“’Green Fraud’ is the ultimate guidebook to exposing and fighting this Marxist plan masquerading as environmental policy.”  —Mark R. Levin, author and nationally syndicated TV and radio broadcaster

Also see Daily Signal’s interview w/ Morano: “Green Fraud,” a new book from @ClimateDepot’s Marc Morano, exposes far-reaching implications of the #GreenNewDeal & what freedom-loving #Americans can do. 

Here is a promotional video from the publisher on the book:

“If you care about America’s future, read this book.”—Mark Levin

“A must-read book that shows how the Green New Deal is dangerous, impractical, misguided, and guaranteed to fail with disastrous results for the American people.”—Sean Hannity

A New Lockdown to “Save” the Climate

That’s what’s in store for us if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrats pass their radical climate plan—the Green New Deal.

It is packed with guarantees so completely irrelevant to the problem it purports to “solve” (like “free college” and incomes for everyone “unable or unwilling to work”) that even its boosters have admitted it’s not really about the climate.

The intrepid Marc Morano, author of the bestselling Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, breaks down the science and the politics to expose the truth about the Green New Deal:

• The science is settled: copious evidence—and prominent defections from the “climate consensus”—make clear we are not facing a man-made climate disaster

• “Climate change” is the perfect Trojan horse for the socialist agenda of the Left

• Fossil fuels lifted the West out of poverty—but our elites now want to deny them to the world’s poor

• The Green New Deal is on a collision course with self-government and our fundamental rights

Climate change has already been “solved” multiple times over the past two decades—with highly touted international agreements—and yet it never goes away as an excuse for leftist policies that will cripple our economy, impoverish the world, and take away our freedoms.

Packed with telling statistics, damning quotations, and real science, Green Fraud is your source for all the facts you need to understand—and resist—the threat.

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom — Patrick Moore’s outstanding new book

by Dr. J. Lehr, March 17, 2021 in CFACT

There have been dozens of good books written in the past decade telling the true stories countering the incessant lies of alarmists blaming impending environmental disasters on carbon dioxide emissions.

None have been better than the newest contribution by Patrick Moore and certainly none as up to date as this just published contribution to real science. We all know by now that Patrick co-founded Greenpeace. It was in an effort to stop underground hydrogen bomb testing and later to save whales and Harp seals. He was still studying for his degree in Ecology at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Fifteen years later when Greenpeace became a money machine in the war to scare the public with one environmental lie after another, he resigned and became their public enemy number one. The tipping point was the organization’s initiation of a campaign to ban chlorine, the most important of all 94 natural elements for both public health and medicine.

In many ways his newest book can be seen as eleven brief books teaching the important facts and research on the major environmental issues of our time. They include in addition to the finest argument against human-caused climate change, dying trees in Africa, the Great Barrier Reef, Polar Bears, Species Extinction, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Genetically Modified Food, Nuclear Radiation, Forest Fires, Ocean Acidification, and the faked deaths of Walruses falling from cliffs in Russia.

What sets this outstanding book apart from most is that while Moore is an academic with a Ph.D. in ecology from UBC (which he describes as the study of how all components of our world interrelate and interact), he has a somewhat unique ability to dive into the weeds on each subject and emerge with a basic understanding of each issue for the reader. While I have read a great deal on all his topics, I was amazed how much I learned, and you will be too.Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom -- Patrick Moore's outstanding new book

He tells us what most of us realize today, that to many if not most activists “the people are a kind of afterthought to be considered only once the perfect environmental policy has been identified, without regard for how negative the impact is on humanity”. The push to phase out all fossil fuel consumption in the next 30 years he says, “is the biggest threat to civilization in the world today.”

In this 204-page 11-chapter book, as you would imagine, its longest chapter (49 pages) Climate of Fear and Guilt, is devoted to climate change. Most readers have read numerous arguments against the well-known fraud of human caused global warming. You may not want to read another. I can tell you, however, that no one has done it better. This well illustrated chapter manages to add common sense ways to convince your friends of the absurd effort by our new administration to convince you to give up your freedoms in order to save the world. He deals with 19 separate crazy predictions laid at the feet of climate change. He skewers them all with excellent technical references. While it is worth the price of the book, it is the less well-known information in the other chapters that produce a truly outstanding book.