by K. Richard, Mar 7, 2025 in NoTricksZone A robust 1750-2020
A robust 1750-2020 temperature proxy reconstruction (Karlsson et al., 2025) from a spruce forest in the Norwegian mountains identifies yet another location on the globe unaffected by anthropogenic “global warming.”
by P. Gosselin , November 27, 2019 in NoTricksZone
Global warming alarmists like to tell us the planet is warming faster and faster.
Yet, when we look objectively at the untampered data, we see this is not the case at all at many locations. Today we look at the (untampered) data from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) for some stations across northern Europe for the month of October.
According to global warming believers, winter is supposed to be coming later, and spring arriving earlier. So looking at the season transition month of October is interesting.
At the JMA we find seven stations in Ireland that have October data going back sufficiently to 1994:

by K. Richard, May 31, 2018 in NoTricksZone
Because trees may only grow within narrowly-defined temperature ranges and elevations above sea level, perhaps the most reliable means of assessing the air temperatures of past climates is to collect ancient treeline evidence. In a new paper, Kullman (2018) found tree remnants at mountain sites 600 to 700 meters north of where the modern treeline ends, strongly implying Early Holocene air temperatures in northern Sweden were 3-4°C warmer than recent decades.
La géologie, une science plus que passionnante … et diverse