Venezuela : malédiction du pétrole ou du socialisme ?

par Samuel Furfari, 8 août 2017

Le Venezuela se trouve à la croisée des chemins. Se dirige-t-il vers le modernisme ou va-t-il poursuivre sa révolution bolivarienne vers le socialisme qui l’a conduit à la débâcle à laquelle nous assistons aujourd’hui ?

Le pays possède tout ce qu’il faut pour connaitre la prospérité et la paix. Ses abondantes ressources d’hydrocarbures auraient pu en faire la Norvège de l’Amérique latine

Global Warming Caused Vikings to Become Terrorists

by David Middleton, August 7, 2017 in WUWT 

So… If climate change caused the Vikings to turn their plowshares into swords, abandoning their farms to become terrorists… the climate change would have been of the warming variety.  I’m not a farmer, but it seems to me that global warming would have actually enhanced the Vikings’ ability to farm up around the Arctic Circle.

nother BOM scandal: Australian climate data is being destroyed as routine practice

by JoNova, August 7, 2017 in ClimateChangeDispatch

In the mid-1990s thermometers changed right across Australia — new electronic sensors were installed nearly everywhere. Known as automatic weather sensors (AWS) these are quite different to the old “liquid in glass” type.

The electronic ones can pick up very short bursts of heat—so they can measure extremes of temperatures that the old mercury or liquid thermometers would not pick up unless the spike of heat lasted for a few minutes.

It is difficult (impossible) to believe that across the whole temperature range that these two different instruments would always behave in the exact same way.