The Great Climate Change Debate: William Happer v. David Karoly, Part A

by Andy May, September1 2018 in WUWT

February 15, 2016 was the beginning of an in-depth debate on man-made climate change between two well-known experts in the field, Dr. William Happer and Dr. David Karoly, hosted by Both have been heavily involved in atmospheric research since the 1980s, but they have landed on opposite sides of the debate.

  1. Is recent global warming unusual?

  2. How do we know the excess CO2, and other greenhouse gases, are from human activities?

  3. How do we know that the increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have caused most of the recent global warming?

  4. Climate models have been used to compute the amount of warming caused by human activities, how accurate are they?

  5. How do we know global warming and more CO2 will have substantial adverse impacts on humans and the planet?

  6. Should anything be done to combat global warming?