Reconciling Model-Observation Reconciliations

by Steve McIntyre, November 18, 2017 in ClimateAudit

(…) What does this all mean? Are models consistent with observations or not?  Up to the recent very large El Nino, it seemed that even climate scientists were on the verge of conceding that models were running too hot, but the El Nino has given them a reprieve. After the very large 1998 El Nino, there was about 15 years of apparent “pause”. Will there be a similar pattern after the very large 2017 El Nino?

COP23 – A New Failure

by A Préat, H Masson, D. Godefridi, November 18, 2017

Translation of an article originally published in French on Contrepoints:

We are witnessing a holy alliance between Third World ecologists and big finance, orchestrated by the European Union, under the amused gaze of the American giant who has now taken leave of all this masquerade.

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