UK Climate Trends – 2018

by P. Homewood, January 4, 2019 in NotaLotofPeopleKnowThat

The Met Office has now published its data for 2018. We can expect plenty of claims about last year being the 7th warmest in the UK since records began (in 1910). Or that all of the ten warmest years have occurred this century.

The real significance of these latest numbers, however, is that they continue to confirm that UK temperatures stopped rising more than a decade ago, after a step up during the 1990s.…


Sea level oscillations in Japan and China since the start of the 20th century and consequences for coastal management – Part 1: Japan Author links open overlay panel

by Albert Parker, March 1, 2019 in Ocean&CoastalManagement

• Japan has strong quasi-20 and quasi-60 years low frequencies sea level fluctuations.
• These periodicities translate in specific length requirements of tide gauge records.
• 1894/1906 to present, there is no sea level acceleration in the 5 long-term stations.
• Those not affected by crustal movement (4 of 5) do not even show a rising trend.
Proper consideration of the natural oscillations should inform coastal planning.

See also here